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Showing posts from June, 2013

Netbeans 7.3 And MySQL Java Connector Versioning Error

Error code 1064, SQL state 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'OPTION SQL_SELECT_LIMIT=DEFAULT' at line 1 While I was developing J2EE application (using Netbeans 7.3 as my IDE of choice and MYSQL as DB) some days ago, I stumble on the error above. At first, I thought is was my application querying problem until I made  a little search on the internet. I came across this link which comment helped in solving the issue.  The solution is: To download the latest version of MySQL Java Connector, Copy the jar file into "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.3\ide\modules\ext" directory Open Netbeans Services Panel - Open the Database Node - Open the Drivers Node - Right -Click On the MYSQL(Connector/J Driver) and select Customize On the customize panel, click add and point to the jar file you copied to  "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.3\ide\modules\ext "  Del

AutoCAD® freezes During Startup.

If you are using AutoCAD-based products on isolated networks, you might experience a problem where the program freezes after it starts up. This usually happens after the AutoCAD screen appears, but before any tool palettes show up. To fix this problem, you have to change your Internet Options settings. Note: This procedure might be risky if your computer is connected to the Internet. These are the steps you need to follow: Go to the Start menu (Windows) > Settings > Control Panel. In Control Panel, find and open Internet Options. In the Internet Properties window, go to the Advanced tab. On the Advanced tab, look for the Security section under Settings. In the Security section, uncheck the Publisher’s Certificate Revocation box. Click Apply, and then click OK. Restart your computer, and then launch the program. I hope this works for you. If it does, please share the solution with others. Further Reading